I compose using a variety of royalty-free loops and Native Instruments' Kontakt 6 sampler. I also play some keys and bass lines. Drums are always recorded live, either with a V-Drum or an acoustic kit. More details in the Gear section

Costa Negra Highway - Inspired during a trip down the southern pacific highway in Costa Rica. A sunny day, with little traffic. Energy is high as the ocean makes guest appearances between the patches of jungle.
NYC Funk - A night watching an old cop movie, and then having a whiskey while trying to relive what those times were all about. The bustling city funk is also a video.
Electric Groovin' - One of my first shots at funk. A tad square, but an important first step.
Revisionism Funk - Sometimes, the tune becomes more complex than it should. It stayed as is on the workbench. The primary focus was to use the drums to mark the various moods.
So Se Que - This one also stayed on the workbench. Long story, but I kind of like the overall feel of it. Sounds like a jam.
Martini in Mariposa - Using the same horn line than in Costa Negra, the song was inspired by my dad's amazing martinis, a pre-requisite to watch the sun set over our piece of paradise in Esterillos. Happy times .
Pop & Rock
Psychedelic Chicken - The title says it all. The video companion highlights the challenges of lockdown ;0)
Its Complicated - First try to include vocals on the workbench. Harder than I thought., hence the title :0)
Knock Knock - Second try to include vocals. Dissonant on purpose... I think. I do like the chorus though
Rainy Rock - The heavier side of things. The song started with the guitars, something unusual, as I systematically start by laying down the bass lines. It became AC/DC'ish in about a nano second. Yes, it was raining that morning.
Grey Seas - When it rains in Costa Rica, it pours. Looking at the sea, the idea for the song came naturally. It is a ballad that does not go very far but reflects well my (highly unusual) melancholic mood under the rain. Song with a companion video
Away From You - Just because it was time to get at it again.
Jazz & Fusion & Miscellaneous!
Do not rewind me - Lots of fun doing this one. Most of the work focussed on the various solos. A challenging song.
Shaken but not stirred - My musical tribute to Sir Sean Connery. I tried to capture the 70's cop/spy ambiance, and thus likely over did it with police sirens :0). The video clip from the movie was cut to fit the time stamp of the song.
Over the clouds - First try at the Kontakt Bandoneon Maschine. A melancholic approach suited by simple chord progressions. and a ethereal video
Breakfast in Ottawa - Remembering early morning breakfasts in the capital city, while renovating my bass player's family home. Our hair and general appearance badly compared with his dad's impeccable attire, but we were happy. Great memory of an amazing man.
On la vend au mètre - Double challenge here. Write a song in a short time-frame - I utterly failed - it took me longer than expected and remains a work in progress. Record with brushes. That part worked better. I might go back to it eventually.
Mat's Lullaby - A lullaby for my brand new grandson, Mathias. What should a grand dad do, if not writing a lullaby ? Now the next job is to write lyrics... or not.